Friday, May 20, 2011

Monday, May 2, 2011

Sam Brown: A prophet for a new generation

by Frank Feder

Sam Brown is a member of Soundcheck who spends a lot of his time NYAN'ing. Nyan Cat is a loop with electronic music with a .gif of a dancing cat. There is a rainbow behind him. Sam Brown also is a popular artists, 50% of voters on the Souncheck blog say Sam Brown is their favorite kind of music. He is a god among men, omnipotent in the skies of Austin, Texas, where he has lived his whole life in solitude. When he is bored, he shoots down fighter jets with his tongue. His tongue is the stuff of legend, some say it's over 700 meters long.The Japanese tsunami was caused by Sam Brown doing a cannonball at a beach party in San Francisco. He wears a toga with Hermes's shoes, with purple embroidery. His millions of subjects offer him their first born child, but it is never enough for him. He requires that all of his people obey his every whim and frolic in his majestic glory.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Wasting Time

According to our surveys, most of our readers spend their free time snorting cocaine and wasting their time. If you are one of the many who snort cocaine, there is help for you. First, you might try stopping, or getting a job to support your habit. If you want to stop, try getting a psychiatrist and a divorce lawyer. In terms of wasting your time, you might want to stop reading this blog... maybe try this.

How to Dress to an Outdoor Concert

A few things you should bring to a concert:

- water bottle; you don't want to dehydrate yourself!
- dress for the weather; don't expect it to be a good idea to wear a scarf and sweater in the summer!!
- Do not wear your best clothes; chances are you will get dirty (spilled drinks, dirt)
- at a large venue it may be possible to bring a chair; it is tiring to stand all day
- if possible bring your own drinks!! drinks at music festivals can be expensive, or at least bring enough money
- lay off the make up, girls! it can get hot out there and you dont want your makeup running down your face!!
For more information feel free to visit here and here

Monday, April 11, 2011

Stoplights of the Future

A problem that some people have with our stop lights of today is that the yellow light is unpredictable. Either a yellow light means you have five seconds to get to and clear the intersection, or you have less than 2. In the latter case, you might find yourself maintaining  your speed, without slowing, and then watch the light turn red as you continue through the intersection. This genius solution is both simple, easy to understand, and quite elegant. This idea is to, instead of having these arbitrary green, yellow, and red circular lights, have an hourglass that trickles down, giving a more accurate representation of how much time you actually have. The image below shows this "in action," so to say. If you can look past a couple of grammar mistakes, you get the general idea.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

You are a Tourist

Video streaming by Ustream
Yesterday at 4pm PST the band Death Cab for Cutie filmed the first live, single-take music video. The song was "You Are a Tourist", the single off of their soon-to-be-released album "Codes and Keys". If you missed the live stream yesterday, you can view the playback above or at the website
You can get the new album in stores May 31st, or you can pre-order it and get some cool bonus items.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Medium Rare

This guy is Kengo Hioki. He is the singer and guitarist for "Japanese Action Comic Punk" Band Peelander-Z. To fans, he is more commonly known as his stage persona 'Peelander-Yellow'. On his facebook profile, he describes himself as "I'm Peelander-Yellow come from Z area of Peelander-Planet to eat your smile!!!!!". The group has a unique sound with songs such as STEAK and Mad Tiger. Peelander-Yellow, Red, and Blue are fans of wrestling and have two pro-wrestling title victories. It is safe to assume that Kengo eats his steak medium rare.

Sleep Talk

Sleep Talk. NO NOT THE POKEMON MOVE! Sleep talk is a local Austin band, their style of music is indie/ electronic/ rock and are influenced by the Cure, the Beach Boys and Death Cab for Cutie. the members of Sleep Talk are , Mike McNeil (vocals, guitar, keyboard), Benjamin Bazzrea (guitar), Nicholas Wong ( bass, vocals) and Anthony Ortega ( drums). A great song by Sleep Talk is Saturn. Sleep Talk will be playing at Spiderhouse on April the third. You should cheat them out because they are really talented and their concerts are fun to attend. Visit their website at for updates on when they will be performing.

Scrillex (Frank)

Scrillex is the stage name of a popular techno artist, Sonny Moore. Before becoming the very popular artist he is today, he played in a several successful metal bands. He still works backstage for many metal bands, and also tours with huge artists like Datsik. Scrillex is one of my favorite artists personally because the music he makes is really, really good. The beats are a pleasure to listen to and the melodies range from sweet to dark. The album “Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites” is a demonstration of how awesome techno songs can be. The “OHMYGOD” transition is perfect for the song. When I first listened to this song I felt like my head was going to explode. This is not a bad thing for electronic music, sometimes I really define the genre by that trait.

Click here to listen to some of his music.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Frank Feder

Frnak Feder is hella cool. This fam is so live. Frank is really in tune with music. He is really good at using music software to reveal his inner self and is always making hip-cool beats. However, Frank feels that having another side of his life is important. This is why he plays lacrosse, and he is the goalie. Not a moment goes by without Frank complaining about his lacrosse coach, although he may be justified there. "I'm hot because I'm fly; you ain't cause you not." Frank is so underground and cool, you can't even find him in Google images.
So, i had to hack into his computer and steal all of his gigabytes. Fortunately, he still had his megabytes.
Check out this Gamebreaker!

Frank actually makes music (sometimes). I am not simply making this up. Click here to listen to his music.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Survey Time!

Soundcheck will now be adding weekly installments of surveys. Expect to have your MIND BLOWN

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Music Making Software: An inside look

There are many choices available for the creation of electronic music. Personally, I use Fruity Loops Studio 9 and Reason by Propellerhead. Others use Ableton Live or Cubase. Here's what I use:

Fruity Loops 9:

Fruity Loops is easy, but if you know what you're doing (which I do after quite a bit of experimenting) you can make professional sounding songs pretty easily. With the right sound packs and plug-ins. Fruity loops uses loops (no way, right?) to organize songs.


Reason 6 is the latest version of the Softsynth software by Propellerhead. A softsynth takes MIDI data and turns it into whatever sound you'd like. Easy to use and easier to wire through Fruity Loops, this software is one of the key elements that I use for creating my music.

Monday, February 14, 2011

La Zona Rosa

Two Door Cinema Club playing with Royal Bangs at La Zona Rosa on March 15!

Josh Lumsden

I think that I may have found the next Justin Bieber. His name is Josh Lumsden and he's probably the greatest artist of the century. His single "The Show" is available on iTunes, and I know you will want to get it because it's such a good song.


Jello is a amorphous, when it drops, it appears to hit the ground and dissipate as a liquid would, but it then uprights itself again. I had no idea what an amorphous even is, but the liquid dissipation and the uprighting afterwards is simply awesome. It was noticed that the video actually does not have a 0:17 second mark, it only says 0:18 twice. Also, there a few conspiracy theories about the 'face' that appears at 0:05, is it a lion? an alien? a tiger? Well, as one insightful YouTuber said, and i quote, "Actually, at around 0:05 I saw a big green field full of barbarians charging without fear onto an oncoming army of Celtic knights on their horses. One of the barbarians is Mario, a pretty nice fellow of Italian origin, with wife and two kids who - as you can see around 0:08 - really enjoys playing the harpsichord at his free time." Well there you have it, at 0:05 seconds we have a barbarian charge, and at 0:08 hey look! There's Mario!

the link is at youtube

Upcoming Music Shows@ Stubbs

lots of good music coming to Austin

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Over the weekend I was introduced to some new artists. Most of these artists play a subgenre of electronic music, called dubstep. This video is one song I really enjoy, you may recognize the tune: